Your feedback is important


Please use one of the ways below to provide feedback to us:

  1. Via our website (PREFERRED)
    1. Logon to,
    2. Tap on View Details
    3. Tap on the pencil icon on the Feedback card
    4. Select a star rating and Enter your feedback
    5. Tap on the tick mark icon
  1. Via Google reviews
    1. Tap on the following link
      1. (mobile)
      2. (desktop)
    2. Select a star rating and enter your feedback
    3. Tap on Post
  1. Via Email
    1. Email your feedback to [email protected] (be sure to mention your full name and request number)
  1. Via Whatsapp
    1. Whatsapp your feedback to Sudhi +919844118730 or Vivek +919845050336 (be sure to mention your full name and request number)

Your feedback means a lot to us! Thanks for your time!
