Increase Energy Efficiency
When doors and windows are properly sealed, temperature is regulated during the respective winter and summer seasons. Improper sealing makes it difficult for heating and cooling systems to regulate temperature and may impact the appliances too.
Keeps Insects at bay
Unsealed windows and doors make it easy for these little creatures like mosquitoes, ants, spiders etc to invade a home.
Not only will it keep insects from moving in, but it can also be beneficial to keep pollen and allergens outside. This can be extremely helpful for those who suffer from year-round or seasonal allergies.
Blocks street noise
Sealing windows and doors properly can also prevent street noise from entering a home and homeowners can continue to enjoy the solitude and serenity of their home.
Increase the lifespan of doors & windows
Due to unsealed windows and doors, the moisture may enter your home and begin to build up inside of windows, doors and surrounding floors and walls, and can quickly grow and become very expensive to treat.