I am taking possession of my home soon. Here are the reasons I do not want a Home Inspection:

  1. I am intelligent and can find issues myself – how difficult could it be?
  2. I trust my builder. I am sure he has done a great job.
  3. What can possibly go wrong if the issues are not caught? Im sure the house is safe.
  4. What can an expert do that I cant?
  5. Even if I have to spend some money to get any issues fixed, how bad could it be? I have deep pockets.
  6. I can live with faulty plumbing, damp walls and the occasional shock or short circuits.
  7. Getting shocks for free is a good thing. It might actually help my family’s health.
  8. Even my two year old know that he should not insert a metal rod into an electrical socket.
  9. I can always do good with the extra water that drips out of the roof especially in this water starved age.
  10. I would love the musical notes that walking on the hollow tiles of my apartment would generate.

What’s life without a few challenges. Be like me, dont visit www.homeinspektor.com and dont ask for a home inspection.

Sudhindra Naib

Serial Entrepreneur with 15+ years of experience in Solution Management and Technology Leadership. CoFounded 4 companies. 2 patents held. I love innovating.