- Hollowness: One of the important factors to be kept in mind while tile laying (be it vitrified, ceramic, marble and so on) is hollowness checking to ensure tiles are properly laid. The tiles need to be randomly tapped using a specialised mallet and check if any unusual sound is heard.
- Warping: To check & ensure that each tile is laid straight & even, in comparison to surrounding tiles using a leveller on top.
- Tile joints: Need to ensure that the spacing between in tiles should be maintained equal.
- Grouting: Tile joints have to be properly filled with suitable grouts (cementitious grouts in general & epoxy grouts for wet areas), without any gaps, undulations & colour variations.
- Slopes:
- in dry areas: Tiles should be laid with zero slope in dry areas and the overall area should be in level without any undulations.
- in wet areas: Tiles should be laid with (for ex,1 in 60 for bathrooms, 1 in 150 for balconies and so on) in wet areas (like bathrooms, external balcony and utility areas) for water to drain out within a specified time and same can be checked using spirit leveller/slope metre or by pouring a bucket of water.
- Cut tiles: Tiles around the plumbing fixtures & electrical faceplates should be cut in proper shapes and the edges should not be visible post fixing of plumbing & electrical fixtures.
- Chip offs/damages and Shade variations: Tile damages & chip offs have to be checked along with any shade or color variations, in every nook and corner of the home.
- Skirting tiles: As the name suggests, a chain of tiles near the flooring or ceiling with offset from the wall should be equal; edges & corners should not be sharp and the floor tile joint line should match with skirting tile joint, from an aesthetic point of view.